Friday, September 17, 2010


Okay, don't know if I mentioned this in my life history, but last year the mission prez's son wanted to be my boyfriend, he was sitting right next to me and texted it to me..WTFUUUUDGE??? you don't even have the guts to say it, then lets see if you have the guts to fight for me. I said no, he's hated and not spoken to me ever since. His sister Andrea Lorenzana is my BFF I sleep over at their house at least once a month, still he hasn't spoken to me. Anyway, last night we had dinner at their house, mom decided to invite Andres (the boy) to my b-day party WTFUUUUUDGE MOM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! as nicely as I could I said "No mom he doesn't want to come he doesn't like me!!!" she replies"oh of course he does, wouldn't you like to go to Alora's b-day party??" he replies "Huh??" I say "see he doesn't want to!!!" he says "What??" (wow great conversation skills there boy, who could resist those deep thoughts and words?? definitely not me!!!) If he shows my b-day is SCREWED!!! the awkardness will be unbarable.
Update on my b-day plans, we found washable pain, so yay don't have to make my own, bought the balloons, but I still have to figure out how to get the paint and water in those little's hard!!!

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