Sunday, September 12, 2010


Did you know I'm almost 16 years old?? I can't believe it!!! Just 2years ago I left Panama, whoa..I've been here too long. So what to do for my sweet 16?? I mean it's a milestone ain't it?? I was looking up some possibilities, and everybody went like ALLL OUT I mean she bought a prom dress, and a rented a limo picked up all her friends. WTFUUUUDGE I have 7 friends, there is no way I'm doing that. So I looked up what boys do for parties (since I'm way more guy then girly girl(with ribbons and bows and dresses :P )) PAINT BALLOON FIGHT = PERFECT
3guys, 5girls(including myself) oh ya this is gonna be great. But crap I can't find paint that doesn't stain here....CORNSTARCH, WATER, & FOOD COLORING = washable paint!!! SWEET
Then..just cause I'm the birthday girl, I'll have them throw a few REAL paint balloons at me, and always have a shirt to remember the day. GONNA ROCK SOCKS MAN!!
IT"S GONNA BE FREAKIN" EPIC!!!! hahahahahaha 21 days!! MUAHAHAHAHAH*cough*HAHAHA*cough ,cough* HAHA :)

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