I had a dream about you last night. It was dark, and the moon was shining. The stars were bright and we were talking, like we usually do. We talked and walked for quite awhile, nothing new there =) But then you stopped talking, stopped walking, and just stood there staring at me. I didn't notice till after I was a little ways off, I stopped too, turned around and threw my arms up in the air to question why you stopped. You just continued to look at me, with a worried look on your face. I slowly walked back to you, and asked what the matter was. Only your eyes moved as I walked up to you. I was frightened, that something was terribly wrong, what could it be that would stop you cold in the night? As I got closer, you shifted ever so slightly. At that moment it seemed as almost you were holding down vomit. Well something must be seriously wrong. I asked, again if you were alright. You didn't say a word, just slowly shifted again, looking down now at the ground. I moved my head down to see your face to again inquire what the matter was, when you moved in. I didn't think anything of it, I thought maybe you were feeling dizzy and needed something to lean against. Then you wrapped your arms around me, as you have done many times before. But this time your lips got very close to mine. The feeling was like nothing I had felt before. Your lips on mine, the warm touch that sent electricity down my whole body. The rush of excitement and worry, a feeling of almost floating. It was a sensation of feeling safe, but at the same time scared. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, that this moment, or was it seconds?? just took my breath away, and left me senseless. As you slowly released your lips from mine, my body was still in a state of shock. You could say it was still trying to figure out what had happened. I left my eyes shut for seconds after our lips parted, when I opened them. You were gone. I stood there, unable to believe my eyes, that you had left after a moment so amazing and incredible, words that can't describe half of what I felt. I was unable to speak, still in my state of shock and embarrassment. I went inside to look for you, but they said you had just left. You left?? You left me there standing in the dark after...?? How could you, did I do something wrong?? Millions of thoughts ran through my mind. I called you but you didn't answer. It was weeks before I saw you again. I asked if you remembered what we did out there, and you very quietly said "Yes, I do". I was frightened that maybe you thought you had made a mistake, and would forever wish you hadn't done it. So I, in the same quite voice asked "Did you want to take it back?". You began to turn a bright red, and again that worried face, that started all this. You again said in a quiet voice, "Never." Words can't describe the big fat smile that was on my face. I had hopped for years, that one day you would feel this way towards me, the same way I had felt for you. Finally. It had happened. Some say that love happens like fireworks, others say it takes time. I'd have to agree with time. It had been two years since I had a crush on you, and finally, got what I had only dreamed of. Too bad it was only that. I woke up feeling as if my whole world had come crashing down on me in that moment. 'It was all a dream?!?!' I thought to myself. "NO!!!! It can't be, it felt so real." But that it was. It was a dream, and it had never happened.